
What girl name is best?

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  1. 1. Rose

    2. Brooke

    3. Emma

    Don't like Lauren, Hayley or Kenddel AT ALL. particularly not kenddel.

    But the first three are GORGE.

  2. My second cousins name is Kenddel.  I always loved her name!!  It is a very sweet name. It is darling for a little girl.  Kend(ra) ruins the name.

  3. I love Hayley, because it's feminine and cute.  

  4. I love the Name Emma and I like Emma Rose together it is very elegant and pretty sounding!!

  5. Not Haylie or Rose.  TOO COMMON

    The others are nice.  Emma is quite common as well but pretty, I would use Emmaline instead so she is a bit different from all the other Emmas.

    Best of luck. :)

  6. brooke is a really beautiful name!(:

  7. Emma that is a very pretty name

  8. Emma - it sounds classy

  9. Brooke - Love it

    Emma - Too popular

    Lauren - Classic, I love it

    Rose - Too popular, better for a middle name

    Hayley - Love it

    Kenddel - Hate it. Weird spelling.  I don't even like "Kendall".

  10. Emma Hayley.

  11. Kendall

  12. Kenddel  

  13. I like Brooke

    1. Brooke

    2. Hayley

    3. Kenddel

    4. Lauren

    5. Rose

    6. Emma

  14. I like the names Brooke and Rose.

    I don't like the names Emma, Lauren, Hayley or Kenddel.

  15. Lauren Kendall

    Emma Brooke

  16. Lauren

  17. Brooke 2/10 - too common, seems kinda masc to me

    Emma - 6/10 VERY CUTE but gave it a bit of a lower score b/c it's SO popular (would MAYBE use it myself)

    Lauren 6/10 - Cute, not too common, though still popular

    Rose 4/10 - Rose and it's many forms are extremely popular right now.  It is a very middle name (6/10) right now

    Hayley 4/10- "Hey, Lee"

    Kenddel 1/10 -  Don't like the spelling, plus sounds REALLY like a boy name

    My favorite would be Emma Rose.  They flow together the best

  18. Rose is a beautiful name!

  19. Brooke!

    but i have a bias opinion.

    I like Rose for a middle name.

    Lauren is classy and not as common and some of the others.

  20. I think Emma Rose would be so cute. Also Hayley Brooke. Good luck they are all beautiful so you can't go wrong.

  21. Emma :)

    Timeless && classic.

    Hope I helped, and good luck.



  22. Emma is cutest.

  23. Brooke, Kenddel and Hayley.

  24. Emma or Lauren.

  25. i like brooke and hayley. =]

    maybe if you wanted to you could pick one of those names on the list as a first name and one as a middle name ? Like Hayley Rose or Emma Brooke ? I dont know, just trying to be helpful.

  26. Hayley or Hailey - My best friend just named her daughter that, very cute!!

  27. Emma

  28. I love the names Emma and Lauren.

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