
What girl name is better, Mya or Shyla, and why?

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What girl name is better, Mya or Shyla, and why?




  1. Mya... it sounds much prettier.

  2. I like Mya better it is a really cute and simple. Shyla is also a good name but in school your child might get teased because when you look at shyla the word shy stands out but shyla is a good original name mya is used a lot but you rarely see shyla used

  3. SHILA  Gender: Feminine

    Usage: Indian

    Derived from Sanskrit शील (shila) meaning "character, conduct".

    SHYLA  Gender: Feminine

    Usage: English (Modern)  

    Variant of SHEILA (Anglicized form of SÍLE which is the

    Irish form of CECILIA the Latinate feminine form of the Roman family name Caecilius, which was derived from Latin caecus "blind".)

    MYA  Gender: Feminine

    Usage: English (Modern)

    Pronounced: MIE-ə    

    Variant of MAIA (1) (Meaning unknown. In Greek and Roman mythology she was the eldest of the Pleiades, the group of seven stars in the constellation Taurus, who were the daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Her son by Zeus was Hermes.)

    I like the sound of Mya--short & sweet.

    I like Shila due to its meaning.

    I do not like Shyla. Even though it's not a fabricated name, the "Y" makes it look like one. Besides, I don't especially like the meaning.

  4. i think shyla, its awsome!!!

  5. Shyla

    Mya is not as cute!!

  6. Shyla

  7. Mya... It's prettier than Shyla, and looks better written down as well... All I see is the word SHY when I look at Shyla.

  8. Mya is a cute name, but i think i prefer Shyla better, Shyla is unique and i love names that not alot of people have. I know quite a few people with kids that have the name Mya.

    Shyla Leigh would be cute together.

  9. Shyla, i think Shyla is just a hole lot cuter.

    and mya reminds me of dr.dolittle's family.

  10. Shyla sounds like a made up name, Mya is much better!

  11. Mya because shyla would sound as though the child it shy

  12. Mya, It's kinda like Mia. I named my panda bear Mya! LOL

  13. I like Shyla, simply because I have never heard it.

    I know quite a few people named Mya.

  14. Mya! b/c i think that if shyla was shy,she'd have that nickname all throughout

  15. i think i like shyla better because i have never heard it before. It sounds like a very pretty name, it also does give me the impression of a quiet little girl, versus Mya which i think is more of an adventerous name... as people say its all in the name, so if you want an outgoing child go with mya or if you want a more reserved child i think Shyla

  16. Shyla, Mya is WAYYYY over-used! My aunts a new-born nurse and says she is a SOOOO tired of hearing the name!

    Hoep this helps. :)

  17. I like Mya because it sounds very unique and pretty.

  18. Mya, because Shyla is too out there for me. I think Mya is a nice, pretty name. Shyla sounds like something made up. I do however think the name Shayla is nice.

  19. i don't really like either name, but mya is definitely nicer. shyla's weird and sounds kind of trashy. sorry.

    mia's adorable though!

  20. Mya

  21. Mya it is short, simple & sweet.

  22. I like Mya better, not sure why except I like the flow of it and it doesn't sound made up.

  23. Mya is waayyy too over used and Shyla sounds kind of hillbillyish.. EWW!

  24. mya...shyla is too exotic

  25. I like Mya much better. - it is just prettier.

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