
What give you strength when you are week?

by  |  earlier

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weak not week




  1. Celine Dion.

  2. Myself.

  3. red bull, tongkat Ali

  4. spinach... like Popoye. Just  kidding. Faith and support from those closest to me

  5. No matter what, life has to go on whether we are happy or not; might as well be happy. So, I psyche myself into believing that when the worst is over, it can only get better thereon. And knowing that there are many people all over the world are worse off and suffering more, makes grateful for what I have.

    And that my children need me to be strong for them.

  6. Hope & my undying faith to Lord above.

  7. Encouragement from family and friends.

  8. MONEY ! not only me, any other human also.

  9. Jedi Sapien

  10. <---------------- my second account de.....

  11. my soul

  12. God

  13. my best friends who are always supporting me........

  14. Motivational quotations.

  15. thinking of the fact that it will be better

  16. Knowing that day is  weaker.

  17. Positive thought..


  18. remember the happiest things happened in my life and try to experienced it back.....

    it'll give me strength ;p

  19. my inspiration

  20. I just tell myself that I am all-powerfull. That's enough for me.

  21. You are my strength when I am weak, you are my treasure when I seek.

  22. the fact that i am still breathing and the urge to survive...

    the weak gets weaker.. the strong gets stronger....

  23. Just mind over matter . Just tough it out

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