
What gives, I thought that Feminazis wanted a woman to be President?

by  |  earlier

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OHHHHH, I forgot. You are all hypocritical losers. You do, but she HAS TO BE A TREE-HUGGING LIBERAL.

well newsflash Democrats, you had your chance, but you blew it. she'll have to run in 8 yrs and by then she'll have worn out her stay in politics. Yay for the first female President of the USA, Sarah Palin '12. Don't hate on her bc she doesn't like the muff.

I apologize for any crass statements above, but it had to be told like it is. you can't argue with those points, only criticize me; but in either case, the GOP wins this year(as well as I do with my argument.)




  1. Shut up!

  2. Hey Jeff B, what about all the people who said they were voting for Hillary because she was a woman? Forget that so soon?

    And I dont get where all this bashing of Palin has come from. Once again, it is the libs looking like bigots.

  3. You are very right. I'm not sure that I would put it quite that way but the gist of your statement is correct. The democrats do not really care about Race, Gender, or anything besides their own power, as they have shown in their treatment of Sarah Palin. The Fems are always talking about the freedom of the woman from the restraints of the home, and children to pursue their careers, the same as men. However they are now attacking Palin by claiming that she should not be running for VP but staying home with her kids. Why can't a woman do both I ask? Don't men? Women's Liberation, it's time to stand up to the Democrats for ourselves, and not be pushed around by them anymore! We can be both mothers and politicians!  

  4. Rude and Crude, but to the point.

    The Dem's Fems only want to rule if they can punish those they hate.

    Granting freedom and liberty to ALL becomes a moot point. They want revenge and that requires a woman who will take away freedom and liberty for those evil oppressive sexist men who have dominated them since like "forever"!

    Read between the lines.... Hate is a primary reason for the existence of the Neo-Dems.

  5. The Republicans are going down like the Hindenburg this year and it will be many years before they recover.

  6. They are afraid of a real American who can keep the same husband for 20 years!

  7. Unlike the narrow minded views you have obviously learned from the drug addled ramblings of Rush, the democrats actually have voted on who they think would be a better president, and not according to whatever L*****n fantasy you have made up in your mind.  And dont apologize for your crass statements, be a loud and proud idiot.

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