
What gives you hope, what keeps you going?

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aside from god and all that stuff that pople say without thinking




  1. a hopeless person is a Christless person... When a wicked person dies his expectation perisheth... ask yourself why you are here in this world? what is your purpose? read the bible, there is hope in there...

  2. Barack Obama.

  3. Being able to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them so my life will be better.

  4. this is wat i do when im down. i first i weigh in all the bad stuff that has happened to me. sre that'll make you more depressed but after that i switch it into all the good things that have happened to me. and everything seems to be brighter. and then i look into what is happening now. i tell myself why am i so down? if its for some stupid reason then you should be fine and brush it off easily, but if it is acutally something to be down about i say look into the future. if the future isnt so bright for you then id say that life is nothing but a game.... you win some you lose some but in the end everyone is going to be at the same place. why not just live like everyone else? oh and remember someone could be way worse than you. if you can't think of one i'll tell you one myself. remember that you are in a continent where you are free, where you have food, where you are not tortured, where you can buy stuff, where you actually have a choice!

  5. my friends

  6. My friends and their children, I'd like to think with my friends and myself as rolemodels the children will grow up with confidence, a strong sense of what is right and wrong, the desire to stand up and fight for what they believe in, and the ability to show compassion and love for friends, family, and strangers alike.  To watch them grow up and slowly become young adults and making decisions that make us proud (and a few we might want to turn our heads for) watch them venture out into the world and conquer, for them to find their truest friends and loves, and to watch them surpass us.

  7. Love. It's the only thing I still believe in.....and I see it everywhere: in a mother's eyes, in a father's pride as they behold their child, in seeing two septuagenarians holding hands, in half the world's concern over the rescue of one lone sailor trying to circumnavigate the globe and sinking in the Antarctic, in Doctors without Borders, in the volunteers helping Mother Teresa in Calcutta, ......I could continue, but by now I should hope you understand me.

  8. Being open to ALL the answers that will help me "get to where I want to be".

    Hope for me comes from an open mind.

    Be open to all ideas at least. Be cautious if you must. But keep your eyes open for "the day :)".

    Evolution is noncompromising. Life has to change. And learning to live life is a God given instinct. Trust the world to heal you...and again be cautious if you must.

    OK, here's a "tool" (rack up the tools that work) I use: I try to be a problem solver, not a victim of life's troubles. It works because I immediately am into a positive mode, IE; problem solving.

    Your fellow trudger on the path on the path of life,


  9. a cup of tea and a good book

  10. love...the love i give and recieve from my friends and my boyfriend he is what makes me wanna wake up in the hope this helps!!

  11. hope for what

    i just live to live, why not keep going, if you stop nothings gonna get better and maybe if you go forward things will get worst, but thats life, just live and have a good time

    i almost live to die, many people fear death, as do I, but it will happen and i think when it does it will be better than living but idk some reason that just makes me wanna live more, maybe cause i want to die happy, not in some stupid suicide or ne thing like that

  12. that bad days run out too...

  13. I came to learn the rational, effective way to optimize life without having to believe what I was told.

  14. I give myself hope.  Hope keeps you hanging onto all that is good in the world.

  15. Today was better than yesterday so tomorrow ought to be better than today.  As a recovering alcoholic I learned one of life's greatest live ONE DAY AT A TIME.  If I try to tackle problems I imagine will be cropping up in the future I will loose my serenity.  If One Day at a time is too much to handle, I just try one hour or one minute at a time.  In living this way I find that I can slow things down enough to actually experience a true hopefulness.  Hope that helps.

  16. Almost impossible to define as it feels different for everyone, one thing should be understood.

    Happiness is not a destination.

    At age 40, I have had more than my share of tragedy in my relatively short life. For so many miserable years every time I saw a wishing well of any kind, I'd toss a penny and wish the exact shame wish, "I just want to be happy". What I didn't realize then that I do now is that moments in time when I was able to laugh, relax completely, or feel warm love, were happy. That is it, that's happiness. Once I discovered this, life seemed much happier. Now I concentrate on increasing those moments and decreasing the unhappy ones. I appreciate the happy moments much more now.

    Would life be easier if we had all the bad times at once, or is it better that they are spread out? The happy times help us to rest up and cope with the sad times. A truly successful person is one who can overcome adversity and still maintain a positive, open and loving mind/heart/soul.

    Is happiness a pair of designer shoes? Or your baby's first smile? Is happiness a fancy sports car? Or a hot shower? Is it a yacht? A million dollars? Or a warm hug from a special friend? When asked what the happiest day of one's life is, I never hear any mention of the "designer handbag" or the "day I bought my Rolex". I hear things like "the day my son was born" or "the day I graduated college".

    When I was serving jury duty recently, a fellow juror said, "Why do girls like Paris Hilton who have so much money seem to get into so much trouble?" I quietly spoke up, for the first time, and said, "Money doesn't guarantee happiness or an easier life". Clearly, it does not. This has been the topic of debate between several people and myself. Some are truly convinced that if they just had a lot of money, they could be happy. Wrong. It can sometimes make people miserable. Money buys options.

    Today, having lived through enough drama to write a book, I am happy almost all of the time. I no longer throw the penny and wish to be, I choose to be. Thankfully I hope I've seen enough devastating times that I am glad things are quiet. Quiet is good, quiet is peaceful. Now I just wish for sunshine or rain, depending on the weather.

  17. I prefer to create hope.

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