
What glasses are best for playing tennis after 50, when bifocals are worn?

by  |  earlier

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I have been wearing bifocals for about 10 years, and have single-vision distance-only glasses for playing tennis. But I miss the ball so much, sometimes when I'm looking right at it. I'm begining to worder if it's because of the glasses.

I was told,long ago, not to wear bifocals for playing tennis. The near vision at the bottom would be bad. But now I'm wondering, should I have a progressive lens with just intermediate at bottom and distance at top, no near vision, but progressives? (I wear computer glasses with progressives just intermediate and near, no distance).

How does anyone else see well with glasses for tennis, once bifocals are worn??




  1. "should I have a progressive lens with just intermediate at bottom and distance at top, no near vision, but progressives?"

    no, that would not help.  highly UN-likely to help with your tennis game...much more likely to make it WORSE.

    the other poster is right...contacts are probably the better option

  2. well you should use contacts

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