
What gloves to you recommend for snowboarding.?

by  |  earlier

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The season is over and i need to get a good pair of durable waterproof golves. My old ones were lost to the rope tow. They didn't work well for me becasue i had a hard time hanging onto the rope and the rope kinda just slid through the gloves which shredded the coating off. Any suggestions on what type of gloves to get or what to look for when buying the gloves that i need. Thanks in advance.




  1. get celtek gloves

    they are very waterproof and last a long time

  2. ive had alot of gloves go the way of the tow rope... i like my dakine gloves but i havent been hanging around alot of tow ropes so i dont know how they hold up to them

  3. GMC's are pretty good. I bet they they'd hold up pretty well with the rope tow. I have Dakines (Cobra GT with Gore-tex) but they're leather (and extra waterproof!!!) but I think they'd get hammered on by the rope. Get them if you can avoid the rope tow. If not, just get a cheap set and spray them with Scotchbrite every once in awhile.

  4. Gordini.  I have had my Gordini's for two years now and I haven't had any problem with them.  They haven't worn very hardly at all and my fingers have never been cold or wet.  here's the HTML address of my gloves on Gordini's web site..

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