
What goes as my first name in my driver's license?

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My first name is Frank Bernard, you know like how some people's first names are Mary Jo or John Paul? People usually just call me Frank, but how would I fit Frank Bernard into my drivers license since it can only fit 9 characters?

Would I put Frankbern or Frank Ber? Or would I just but Frank and then B as my middle initial? My middle name is my mother's maiden name though, and Bernard isn't.

Sorry if my question sounds too confusing, but thanks in advance to those who reply!




  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, your first name ?

  2. I would just ask the license place about your name. Alot of people have long names.

    like: Christopher (1 character off)

    And you cant fit that on there.

    So if its still 9 characters...

    just use Frank.

    Thats all you have to do.

  3. your first name will be exactly what it says on your birth certificate, unless of course you felt like leaving it as Frank, but then your passports etc, will all only say Frank as well .. your driver's license is basically the deciding factor, you can write in your whole name even if their isnt enough room and they will just override it on the computers :D Hope that helps!

  4. Lol you made me giggle :]

    I think you should put frank


  5. it would be the first one,

    maybe the 2nd for a middle name?

  6. first off, it's not only 9 characters that can fit in your driver's license, your whole name should/can be on it.

  7. Frank or Frank B..and the surname.....x*x

  8. You should ask the people at the driver license place but i think you should just forget about the bernard....jk you can't do that umm  i guess use it as your middle name?

  9. Hmmm....I'm sure the DMV will figure it out for you.  Maybe Frank B., then middle initial, followed by the last name. Or last name first, Frank B. Middle initial.

  10. Frank B.. it's not like you are going to be introducing yourself with your license, it is for identification and legal use.

  11. It appears you have 3 given names, Frank, Bernard and your mother's maiden name.

    If you write Frank Bernard like this with a space between the Frank and Bernard, people will view Bernard as a middle name as well as your mother's maiden name.  They would view all of it as your first name if you write it as Frankbernard.  

    So, you really have a preference.  Frank as your first name but you can choose which initial you want to use as your middle initial, the B for Bernard or the one for your mother's maiden name.

    Only thing it is best to be consistent on all your records. It can be a cause of confusion some place down the line.

  12. If i were u i would put Frank B. It sort of sounds better than Frank Ber.

  13. why dont you do Frankbern

  14. first name Frank and you mother's maiden name for the middle

  15. just frank, frank..

  16. I would put Frank B.

  17. Well you do either Frank B Lastname, or Frank then Initial of your real middle name and leave out the bernard, and then last name.

  18. Just ask at the DMV I am sure they can give you the answer.

    I would prolly just put Frank.

  19. im guessing ur first name dude

  20. I would just put Frank, because this is a legal record that you will show when signing for things, and your close family and friends will know the real name, that makes it more personal, but if someone were to get real technical, I guess I would keep a copy of birthcertificate close by.  But definately not frankbern or frank ber

  21. I think that you should just go by Frank. Especially if you can only fit 9 characters. If there are a lot of mixed answers here, then when you go to make your driver's licence, then ask the people there. You may also want to ask your parents. After all, they did name you.

    Good luck! :)

  22. Frank

  23. should be the same as your birth certificate

  24. Are you saying that you have a third given name that is your actual "middle" name?  Or is it simply that you are called by both of two given names?  If it's the first situation, try to get both middle initials on your license.  But as long as no one calls or refers to you simply as "Bernard," you should be OK with just "Frank" on the license.  The only problem I can foresee would arise only if you needed to provide ID to prove you were Bernard.

  25. Frank i think

  26. Frank B.

  27. Frank goes first. You should put Frank B.

  28. If for your middle name, you didn't leave it blank, didn't use just the initial B., but wrote out the middle name as Bernard, your license will have your full name shown on it - Frank Bernard Your_Last_Name.  

    Bernard is not your first name, it's your middle name.  Mary Jo's middle name is Jo.  John Paul's middle name is Paul.  If a name was Maryjo, that would be first name only.

    Some people use their first and middle name as their given name.  Most people seem to go just by their given name of their first name.


  29. Your first name is Frank, Bernard is a middle name.

  30. bernard

  31. I would just put Frank if you put Frank Ber or Frankbern you would need to sign your name as that on documents in which you use your license as identification. If you only put Frank you can add the Bernard in your signature as long as its the same and adding and not changing the name..I hope that made sense. And I understand that your name is Frank Bernard and its not a first and middle. Your middle initial on your license is whatever your middle name really starts with.

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