
What goes best with ham in a sandwich?

by Guest66217  |  earlier

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What goes best with ham in a sandwich? And in a packed lunch, what would you choose to complement a ham sandwich (piece of fruit, drink, snack etc)?

Healthy foods preferred. Thanks!




  1. i'd go with a quality piece of cheddar cheese, or yellow mustard. i'd drink water or juice, and maybe have some pretzels or low-fat popcorn & some fruit (apples, plums, & grapes are some favorites of mine!)

  2. in a ham sandwich i either take tomatoes or mustard

    and to complement i would have an apple water and maybe a packet of crisps or a kitkat

  3. cheese or salad or peace pudding or Bronson pickle  

  4. I like ham, swiss cheese, tomato, onion, hot pepper rings, and a little mayo.

    cut up watermelon, or pineapple in a baggie.

    A bottle of water.

    and some pretzel logs

  5. Mustard?


    Mixed Salad?




  6. things in

    mayo, lettuce, American chees, tomato,little turky

    thing good with

    grapes, crystle light fruit punch or lemonade,  sour cream onion chips

  7. Tomato Chutney or Relish

  8. i like honey mustard with ham on a whole wheat bun :)  Chips (the wavy Lays kind) are good too, and an apple. Milk is a good drink with ham, and i like chocolate chip cookies also :)

  9. thinly spread the ham with honey, then add shredded lettuce, sliced radish and a slice of edam cheese.... put it all on seeded bread and you have a delicious and healthy sandwich!!!

    i would eat it with a packet of low fat crisps and a cooling fruit salad something like chopped watermelon and grapes.  To drink i would have some cold flavoured water, my current fave is melon and kiwi.

    Enjoy!! x

  10. hiya i love ham/tomatoe sauce/crisps in my sandwitch.

  11. Tomato! To Complement The Lovely ham et Tomato sandwich I would suggest... UM...?  A Vanilla Frappe from Nero's! Yeh! actually EW! I wouldn't suggest that! Just Good Old H20!

  12. Cheese with the sandwich, water to drink and an apple or orange for fruit depending on which you prefer.

  13. Wholemeal brown bread, cucumber, salad, and pecorino dip go really well with ham for a sandwich. Pears are really healthy and apparently contain loads of antioxidants, especially when they're really ripe. Cucumber's also brilliant for your skin. For a drink, you can't go wrong with a bottle of water, but a healthy smoothie is also good as it counts for one or two of your five a day (Innocent or PJ smoothies are the best). For a snack, a cereal bar is good, such as a Nutrigrain or a Tracker bar.  

  14. Today for lunch I had a ham sandwich with Dijon mustard, Vermont cheddar cheese, and a cabbage leaf.

    With it, I had an apple and a glass of water.

  15. More ham. At least I prefer it like that, but adding thin slices of cheese (or cheese slices) isn't too bad either. It's very much down to the persons taste though. Some people add lettace too.

    To go with it an apple, pear or satsuma, juice, water or a sports drink depending on what the person is doing that day and a yogurt if the person likes them or something like crackers if not.

    Most of those are fairly healthy as long as it's in moderation and there are alternatives so they can be switched around to avoid being bored with a certain food. A small chocolate bar could be switched in for a snack too, they're not too unhealthy and give needed energy.

  16. i dont like ham but if i were making a lunch i'd put a ham and cucumber sandwich or ham and mustard or ham salad sandwich with a nectarine, fresh orange juice and a biscuit such as a kitkat or some of those ryvita minis or quavers as they are actually kind of healthy crisps. like87 calories a bag

  17. Ham cheese salad & mayo mmmmmmm


    fruit drink

  18. Thinly sliced red apple and hummis on top in homemade brown bread with lots of freshly ground black pepper, delicious'

  19. mayonnaise and pickles..mMm. well with that wet kind of ham. for a healthier sandwich i guess lettuce and mustard..if its not that wet kind and id add a slice of american cheese. id pack an apple or banana cus their my fave fruits. and some iced tea to go with it all.  

  20. I like peace pudding and beetroot with ham, and a banana also fanta pop to drink  

  21. The BEST ham sandwich I've ever had....well, I make em all the time..has Havarti cheese and is on sourdough bread. I grill it with a thin layer of butter on each side....making it essentially  a very tasty rendition of a Croque-monsieur. Had one for lunch today, and it's pretty much the best thing on the planet.

  22. cucumber

  23. salad, mayo, cheese (maybe), tomatoes, cucumber, butter (lol),  

  24. A ham and egg salad sandwich on seeded sensation bread with cucumber lettuce and mayo is ace. Add a banana and a bottle of water. Enjoy.x

  25. Cheese

  26. apple, yogurt, water

    healthy stuff

  27. I like Provolone Cheese on Ham. Sargento's has deli slices of Provolone that are sliced thin and perfect for a sandwich.

    I'd pack red seedless grapes too. Pineapple or a honeydew and cantaloupe mix or also good for lunch.  

  28. Cheese, and the answer above

  29. Pesto and Cheese. With an apple and milk!

    Just my opinion!

    Hope you like it!

  30. A ham sandwich is nice with cheese and mustard mayo. An apple or pear  or some dried fruit and nuts would go well with it.

  31. Swiss cheese and spicy mustard.  Sometimes I'll even put a pickle on the sandwich too.....A piece of fruit, baggie of baby carrots, bottle of water, and a baggie of trail mix

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