
What goes faith mean to an environmentalist?

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Most of us wouldn’t want to consider that we have fallen for a scam where everybody's living high and we are about to commit ourselves to a no-end contract where we routinely pay off the very same companies that we curse now. But that’s exactly the global warming deal that environmentalists are selling.

Faith can mean signing an agreement with the man they affectionately call “The Godfather of Global Warming”, Maurice Strong, who tried to steal, then sell, the people of Colorado their own water.

Faith can be trying to swim the Arctic in March when it's minus a hundred degrees on the thermometer outside. Wonder if those 3rd grades this was arranged for can ever watch Disney again?

But the best faith is to bet other peoples livelihoods, to fix it where they have to pay but you never do. Set up a system that allow rich liberals and big oil to pay to pollute. Then fix it so the they can bank their own penalty.

The only faith here is what global warning looks like. Maybe like normal?




  1. The same as any other person's faith.  Are you ridiculing faith?

    For me, no one person is the "Father of Global Warming".  I go with groups of unimpeachable scientific integrity, like the National Academy of Sciences.  1800 of the nation's best scientists, elected by their peers.  Getting elected to the Academy is like winning an Oscar in science.

    They say it's real, and mostly caused by us.

  2. "What goes faith mean to an environmentalist?"


  3. Exactly Global warming is only real if you truly believe that it is real.  

    No one can predict the future, no one knows if it's going to be warmer or colder in the future.  To "believe" it will be warmer requires faith, and faith is the realm of the preachers.

  4. Religious people can only compute in terms of faith.

    Reality is Alien to them.

    And any one who believes in Talking snakes ,bad guys with horns and good ones with wings ,Sperm less pregnancy,can be sold anything

    Even that the best time of your life comes when you are dead..

    The old man on the clouds

    who loves to d**n his folks to burning eternity if they wont believe him

    ,has  them convinced that he truly loves them.

    No wonder these People are blind to the truth that is all around us

    And you talk about scams

    and normality

    have you read your question ,is that real???

    is it normal????

    Doctor yellow seems to understand you

    you must be on the same wave length.


  5. PAY your Global Warming TAX $4500 a year & no Private property rights

    The debate, however, is not about the merits of socialism over capitalism and free markets; the debate is about water. The bill will give to the federal government control over all water in the United States, and control over all "… activities affecting these waters."

    Water is essential in the production of virtually everything. If the government controls water, and all "activities affecting these waters," then the government controls the sources of production.

    There is absolutely no need for the government to take this draconian step. Water is already regulated far beyond necessity. The control and regulation of water has stripped property rights from people in every state – often for no definable public benefit. This bill will destroy the last vestige of the idea of private property rights.

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