
What goes in a thesis paper? my opinion? "death penalty's"

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i have a 7 page paper due i don't know what order it goes in?

whats in it & where do i put it

please help my teacher is witch




  1. The most common error students make is confusing a TOPIC with a THESIS.  A topic is simply what your paper is about, like "the death penalty."  A thesis takes a stand on one side of the issue, and uses evidence to support that stand.

    For example, your thesis might be something like, "because there is a real and ongoing risk of executing innocent people, the death penalty must be removed from our justice system."  And then you would go on to cite evidence of all the different wrongful convictions that have occurred in the past, etc.

    The site below is a great starting point to gather evidence, or to get ideas for your own thesis.

    Good luck on your paper!

  2. Just write down that you think they should bring back execution for witchcraft


  4. witches teach witches

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