
What goes into plastic water bottles?

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What "ingredients" go into plastic water bottles (I mean the disposable kind, NOT Nalgene or reusable ones)?

If you could tell me the answer, and provide a link to a site with the info, that would be FANTASTIC! Thanks!




  1. Water

  2. Why do they put expiration dates on water?

  3. Look at the bottom of the bottle for the triangle with a number in it. I suspect that it will say "1" and "PETE". the cap will be unlabeled and would be a different type of plastic.

  4. Kindly visit the website:

    A comprehensive article on plastic including plastic water bottles titled as "Plastic Dreemz - A boon or a bane?" has been published in the February 2003 edition of Gobar Times, a supplement of famous Down To Earth fortnightly.

    I hope you may get all the information you require.

  5. I am by no means an expert in this.  In fact, I just posted a question on the subject of plastics as well.  I only got one answer, but the answerer included a few of the potentially dangerous chemicals that go into plastics--"phthalates, acetyltributylcitrate and dioctyladipate, all of which are added to plastics to make the products flexible and less brittle."

  6. i dont know if this is right or not but here:

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