
What goes on when i complain about a company at better business

by Guest32362  |  earlier

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im on the better business website and i never have filed a complaint against ANYONE before. well i am about to do that as of right now because there is a website called

i sent them my old cell phones and they said i will receive cash for them ..i sent it to them about 2 weeks ago

they never e-mailed me or sent me a check

i sent them really expensive phones

i sent them a sidekick lx which is about 400 bucks

a blackberry pearl i spent around 200 on

a pink razor which is another phone at the time i spent almost 200 on

and another phone i spent 90 on


tell me

if i file against them what exactly happens after im done?




  1. They will generally forward your concerns to the merchant and ask for a reply. They keep track of responses and report on them. They have absolutely no authority to force any action and don't try to. The best way to use a BBB is to check for history of a company BEFORE you do business.

  2. The put the complaint into the system and ignore it after that

  3. Nothing

    BBB will just contact the company and let them know that complaints have been filed against them. The company can choose to respond, or not -- and many do not

    BBB is just a non profit organization. It has no legal teeth, Heck, it's not even a government entity. And it recruits businesses and charges businesses for annual membership fee

    If you want something to be done, go to the police or sue them in court

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