
What goes thru the minds of troops in basra when blobby cyclops gordon brown is chatting to them ?

by  |  earlier

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spotlight - im sorry for mocking gordon's weight problem




  1. Enough of the small talk, when are you going to pay me a decent living wage ?

  2. i feel sorry for the troops. whenever the boring moron is on tv i hit the mute button fast  but they cant do that can they. i hope he goes away and never comes back the useless giT

  3. I must remember I have been ordered to smile.

  4. ''Now I know why the Brass insisted we take all the ammo out of the guns''.

  5. If only this blasted gun would work

  6. It is not nice to mock the afflicted when you become an adult. Remember that, won't you?

  7. Where's the safety catch on this bloody thing!?

  8. I am sure it includes a lot of expletives.

  9. "I  wish the silly b*****d would bugger off home and let us get on with it"

  10. They will be cringing!!!  Especially if they have to sit with him for the obligatory photo shoot.  LOL


    And smile throughout it!!!!!!!!!

  11. "My god, he looks like his face has melted"

  12. Where the h**l did they find this prat!

  13. you need to lose some weight, Gordee.

    try eating our ( pay as you go ) army rations for a month, see if it helps you lose a few pounds, you tub of lardo.

    well that's what would be going thru my mind, if I was in Iraq & they sent us B'Liars lacky.

  14. these troops bunch of idiots there was no draft.

    they signed up to go to a war zone - then when they get hurt they want my sympathy. moron you CHOOSE to put ya self in harms way you could have stacked stuff in Tesco, hawk houses as an estate agent what ever.

    these people are jerks i don't care about their opinions about nothing.

    oh and before any1 gets pissy saying these guys are protecting our freedom - y'wrong we weren't on the verge of speaking Iraqi there was no Arab armada on the horizon.

  15. They would not be able to listern to what he had to say for looking at his Glass Eye & that thing he does when he Drops his Jaw when speaking, lol

  16. "I wish I could shoot this fat barstard and get away with it".

  17. My God, if England had autonomy i wouldn't have to be here listening to a fat scottish b@stard!

  18. shall I nut him

    how long inside

    here goes!

  19. i wish i could go home i suspect and not listen to this sanctimonious prat blabber on.

  20. he looks like Saddam without a moustache and just as cunning and evil

  21. When he stuck his paw out to shake hands with me, as he did to one of the squaddies, I would have been tempted to give him a bloody nose.

    But then again, I am a man of peace...


  22. I'd imagine it rhymes with " Member of the tank wegiment" in good English slang.

  23. Probably "Who the h**l are you"?

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