
What goggles would you recomend? Good for night, without over price.?

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What goggles would you recomend? Good for night, without over price.?




  1. Sorry, I'm not going to talk about the price. What I will tell you is that you get what you pay for. Oakley are great goggles and expensive, Scott has always made a great product.  Also, don't get a lens that will obscure anything in flat light, which is what you will see if you are going to spending your time snowboarding at night. If you want to keep them from fogging up, keep them on your face. Keep them dry is what I am saying.

  2. oakley crowbar with clear lences

  3. Look into a pair of SPY goggles. They are the best.

  4. There really isnt a best brand when it comes to goggles, what it boils down to is what you want them to look like as long as you are willing to spend over 55$.  For night skiing look into a pair of goggles with either clear or yellow tinted lenses.  I've also heard that rose colored is ok but i've personally never tried rose.  I like yellow tinted lenses because they help amplify the features of the terrain.

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