
What going on one day periods???

by  |  earlier

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i'm seventeen eighteen in october and i have been having one day periods for like three cycles its really weird. I'm on seasonal or however you spell it birth control. yesterday i got my period and it was regular but really red blood. any ideas whats going on?




  1. I don't know, but h**l, I wish my period lasted a day!

  2. seasonal birth control means that you get your period once every 3 or so months. depending on how long ago you started using birth control, this could be bleeding/spotting...and it just so happens that it comes once a month. i dont think it's anything to worry about, but if it continues talk to your doctor.

  3. i have no idea- i know that birth control pills can change things. what did your doctor say when he prescribed them to you? if he didn't say anything. ask him when you go for your next refill.

  4. Its normal for that to happen.

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