
What going on with this horse?!

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she looks a bit outa proportioned, or is it just the breed?




  1. It's just the breed. She's a little short probably because her legs are a little stubby

  2. Her proportions are a bit off.  Even though she is a draft.  If you are looking at doing nothing but peasure riding or driving, then I wouldn't worry, but her confirmation would hinder her in the show circuit of any type.  Her neck is short and her hips are small.  It could be the way she is standing but in the one picture it looks as though she stands under her body.  She does have a pretty face though!  Good luck.

  3. very common looking for a percheron, maybe a littl shorter because she's a mare. People are used to thinking of all drafts as Clydesdale size but all breeds have variations.

  4. its the breed... drafts have stocky features

  5. She looks out of proportion in the photos on the left side because her quarters are further from the camera that her front. In the picture on the right, she looks just fine.  

  6. That's a pure bred Percheron mare for yeah. Of the drafts they are known for being shorter than a Clyde or a Belgian. So she is just an awesome stocky short girl. If crossed with a leggy Thoroughbred you could get a great Jumper ot Dressage horse.

    P.S. You know that Percherons were used when creating the Morgan horse. Due to there hardiness and relative small frame. Morgans were just a smaller draft until we started inter breeding them to make them look like Arabs. (Gak and Sigh)

  7. Its the breed!

    Under the guide lines for a percheron hes lovely :)


  8. have you ever seen a draft horse?

  9. its the breed the first draft i had look a little odd but i can asure you they are just odd looking i think this makes them more interesting personally

  10. She has a very high, very short, and very thick NECK...that is the thing I noticed first :D

    Like you said, she is also a little TOO stocky.


    hmmm...never mind, after I looked it up that is actually how the breed is SUPPOSED to look. They just look VERY diffrent from the everyday Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds most of know and love lol.

    Here is a pure Percheron she has very simular comformation (ei: the "high,short, thick neck I was talking about)

    **I agree with you though, most Drafts I ahve seen weren't that stocky but then again I haven;t been around many (if any) Percheron's in my life xD

    Here is what I think of as a "normal" draft...

    not near as stocky...

  11. Wow!  She's gorgeous!  She looks like a ginormous version of my QH/App mare.

    It's the breed, not all horses have spectacular conformation, and they're not supposed to.

  12. I think its the angle of the picture

  13. no, shes just a draft breed. a lot of them look like this.

    see? these are all perfectly normal draft breeds. dont listen to those people who are being rude about this. its always ok to ask a question. : )

  14. Yuppers its deff the breed.

  15. Lots of drafts have that kind of proportions. They often have a larger neck than they should in proportion to their body size. . . So, it's just the breed. :) I'm not saying all drafts are like that, some are beautiful, but some are a little bit out of proportion, just as a miniature horse can be a bit out of proportion.

  16. awww it looks really cute

    i think its the breed

  17. Healthy looking draft horse to me!

    I was in love with a irish draft at the school I used to ride at.

    One day when I have the money and time for a horse - it's gonna be a cold blood :)  

  18. I think that it is the photo quality that makes the horse look disproportionate, but she is quite heavy in the front.  Percherons tend to have heavy heads and necks, but they should still be balanced in their build.  This isn't to say this horse has perfect conformation, but again, I think the photo angle contributes to how this horse looks here.

  19. I think its just the breed. I'm not an expert, but it looks like a heavy kind of draft horse. - I think.........

  20. I believe Percherons are usually much more long-legged. Maybe this horse was stunted as a baby or maybe it is not purebred. But yeah, it does look too short for its head and body.

  21. i agree...i think her head is just a little too big for body, it seems but idk MUCH about coldbloods so it MAY just be the breed but id keep looking for a diff horse if u are second guessing anything then dont go with it.

  22. It's the breed

  23. Its mainly just the breed and how the horse was born. She is special!!


  24. It's the breed.  Alot of drafts look like that.

  25. She's some sort of heavy draft breed. There isn't anything wrong with her, I'd say she has some sort of mixed percheron in her, a lot of draft horses have the heavy looking crest along with a thick body.

    Nothing wrong with her, just her breeding. (although some fat pockets can be caused by something called Cushings disease, I doubt this girl has that, she is just draft in breeding.)

  26. Nothings wrong with it, Percherions usually have large heads and thick necks are of course always a feature of draft horses. I think the reason her legs look so thin is beacause she is a bit overweight.

    But no need to worry ;)

  27. I think she looks like a good Percheron.

    I came from an area where they were heavily used, both for riding and draft.

    She looks typical, and the price is right if she is as nice in person.

    The photographer doesn't know how to do a good horse pic.  

  28. Its called a DRAFT HORSE

  29. I agree with the one person who said that at least one of the photos was taken at an angle that is less than flattering, but this mare is not a good representative of the Percheron breed.   The top two photos on this page are examples of a good Percheron.  Be patient, it tends to load slowly.

    This mare is coarse all the way through, including her head...she is, however carrying a little extra weight, which would disappear if she were in shape, which she is not.  I noticed that there are no photos from an angle that would show if she steps on herself when she walks.  I'm just not at all impressed, especially at that price.

  30. she might not be a pure breed. and lots of drafts look like that.

  31. Hyoooge front end, small hind end compared to the front....a lot of heavy drafts are built like that, but this girl has an exceptionally thick cresty neck.  On top of that, her neck is arched like so many percheron's necks do.  Her neck and head are massive...her best use (conformationally anyways) would be for pulling very heavy loads.  She would be great at it!

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