
What going to happen to me?!?!!

by  |  earlier

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I hit a mail truck going like 5 mph. There was no damage to either of the vehicles, so I just took off because the lady in the mail truck didn't get out of her truck. She decided to report it, and so I met with the police officer. He didn't cite me for hit and skip. But he said for this first offense I will probably get my license suspended for 30 days and get fined. What should I expect. I have never been in trouble with the law. I live in Ohio. Do you think I will be drug tested?




  1. lol you will not be drug tested the most they can do is what he said suspend you license and fine you... sense your offense has nothing to do with drugs then they have no reason to give you a drug test so if they try refuse because its your right to refuse.

  2. I would think you would be better off asking this in Law Enforcement or some other legal category, rather than Astronomy & Space.

  3. No, you'll be fine. Worst comes to worst and they question your drug using and offer a test, you can refuse. You have a right. Wrong section, though.

  4. This has nothing to do with astronomy.

  5. Now, why would you be worried about drug testing..and place this question in the wrong category..I mean ..far must be spaced out! Consider yourself lucky and take your medicine....I mean punishment and hopefully you have learned from the incident.  

  6. oh dude you hit a govt truck, that would be scary. But I wouldn't worry too much. If the cop told you to not stress over it, then don't.

  7. Two things; First, if you weren't doing anything you weren't suppose to be doing, why worry about a drug test?. Second, since you posted this in the wrong category, one cannot help but be suspicious of drug use.

  8. I think you should post this in the correct category.

  9. I'm answering because almost exactly the same thing happened to me when I was a teenager.  I don't know how the laws work where you are, but I can tell you the mistakes I made so you can be sure not to make them.

    1) Just make sure you aren't being charged with leaving the scene. If so, get a lawyer as that is a serious offense.

    2) Make sure you're not being charged with reckless driving.  That's what happened to me and it was only because I left and there was no officer at the scene. If you ARE charged with reckless driving, ABSOLUTELY plead not guilty. I didn't realize that reckless driving was a 3 point violation and required attending driver rehabilitation. I pled guilty simply because I knew I was the one in the wrong. (There was no damage in my case, either, and the judge was shaking his head wondering how it ever go into court, but once I pled guilty, the sentence was mandatory.)

    There is no way you should get your license suspended, but I guess the cop knows better than I do, or the story isn't quite the same as you posted here. Make sure you find out what the penalties are for any violation you were cited for. Anything resulting in suspension should be strongly contested.  Don't forget, these results will go on your record. They could come back to haunt you.  

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