
What good are CFL bulbs besides for money savings if your area uses nuclear power?

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What good are CFL bulbs besides for money savings if your area uses nuclear power?




  1. So what?

    You would rather use coal for energy?

    Have you ever learned how much Carbon coal fired plants put into the atmosphere? Look it up sometime!

    France is almost all nuclear..why can't we do the same?

  2. If you save energy with a nuclear reactor, there will be less nuclear fuel used and less nuclear waste. Don't you just hate nuclear waste?

  3. Whether your electric company uses coal, oil, nuclear or wind power, they still charge $.07 cents a kilowatt-hour because thats what the going rate is.

  4. Saving energy, reducing global warming and reducing mercury pollution.

    There's no such thing as "my electricity comes from nuclear".  The power grid connects across wide areas.  If you use less electricity your nuclear plant can sell it somewhere else and stop fossil fuels from being burned.

  5. No mater where you get your power it has to be made from a limited supply. Even nuclear. (they use power rods that lose their ability to create power but are still radioactive and deadly) so to use less energy will let that source creat power for longer from the same amount of fuel.

    If you get your power from a hydro electric then it is almost free. but then you would be using up energy that could be sold to places that use coal or other dirty fuels

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