
What good deed could I do tomorrow for someone? ?

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What good deed could I do tomorrow for someone? ?




  1. volunteer your time at your local church

  2. give a hobo money. money to a charity. anything really.

  3. smile at someone

  4. help the blind lady cross the road, donate all your money to a charity, get the scared cat down from the tree, shave your hair off, to show cancer people you care, have s*x with a loser.

  5. Take out my trash for the trash guys to pick up

  6. anything, small or big...

    open door

    carry books

    remind them of something


    help with question/problem

    hey! you could even answer a few of these questions on yahoo answers!

  7. give a guy with bad breath a breathmint O.o

  8. Give a homeless person a fruit basket.

  9. invite someone whose sitting alone to eat lunch with you!

  10. tell someone about Christ.

  11. Take a shower and brush your teeth.    

  12. Do whatever you can to help someone in need.  Address their individual need.  Be as kind and sincere with them as you can be.  

    Let God's love show through you.  You don't always have to use words to convey his message.  

    But, if you are asked why you are doing these things, you will have the opportunity to tell someone of his love and sacrifice for us and how we are to love each other.

    You did a good deed just now by making me think about these things I have just mentioned.  I am going to try harder to show others God's love through my actions.

    I hope that others have been inspired by you as I have.  You may never know how many goo deeds you have just initiated.

  13. give money to the homeless

  14. if your in school include someone or talk to someone you dont normally talk to and make them feel special. not an outcast. trust me that can make somebody's day! its simple and easy too.

    answer mine please!! :);...

  15. be nice to someone and try to give them complaments

  16. take an elderly person to the grocery store

  17. Take in a foster kitten!

  18. Open the door for someone.

  19. I know that when I was a single mother with no car, the most wonderful thing I was given was a ride! Instead of having to haul little children, groceries, strollers, etc on the bus, if someone offered to run me around for my errands, it was like HEAVEN!

    So find a single mom with no car and offer to take her on some errands. You have no idea how much she will appreciate it!

  20. clean my room

  21. Smile.  A smile says:  I like you.  Have a happy day.  We are both human, Today is great!  Tomorrow will be better!  Good morning!

    A smile also makes you feel better, and most people smile back.  Even the ones who do not smile, get a breath of fresh air from your smile.

    In the mist of turmoil, I have smiled and spoke to strangers.  Some have even thanked me, saying I was sad, but you made my day!

    Just smile if you don't feel like speaking.  It is amazing what a smile does for everyone..

  22. Give them a smile, sometimes its all anyone needs to get through their day.  

  23. Take an elderly or a disabled  lady from your neighborhood, or your church to the grocery store. Wait for them to buy them, drive them home and help her bring them in. You don't know how you could help people that can't drive and need help to the stores and bank. And, you will feel good helping them, also.

  24. Smile at a fat chick...

    You know you want to.


  25. hold a door open for somebody

  26. I like to pay for the person in the car behind me at Starbuck's so that they have a nice surprise when they get to the window.

  27. I think u could be nice to people all around and stand out in a crowd, like help an old lady accross the street and give tips to people working really hard. People notice those kind of things.

  28. stay in side and lock the doors

  29. kick my husbands ***

  30. help the old lady across the street & carry her groceries


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