
What good experiences have you had while drinking?If you can remember.

by Guest55621  |  earlier

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One of my best experiences with drinking was hanging out with the friends you actually like to drink with and playing manhunt or shoot each other with bbs.Made sure we weren't too drunk for that of




  1. One of the best nights of imbibing came when I was hitting on Giny;-)

  2. Probably the best time I had (that I can sort of remember) is when we had a party at a friend's house and it was the first time we played a drinking game called 3-Man. I don't remember the rules, just that I got picked the most as the one to drink when the dice rolled a 3. I was the only girl playing, plus I was wearing a really short skirt and leather boots, I wonder if that had something to do with it....

  3. Mud Runs 10 years ago good times, good times.

  4. really good times good friends and family! cuz when you have a few drinks you just say things that you dont normally would when sober.

  5. peeing along the third base line bleachers at wrigley, ahh many good times.  In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here

  6. having some really good conversations with people you wouldnt have the nerve to say sober...

    walking around the town wearing a bikini top and a jacket over that

    watching disturbia with my friends

    passing out and waking up in a bathtub

  7. Toga party in 1978, right after Animal House came out. During the course of the party, there were probably 300-500 people partying in the courtyard of our Air Force dormitory. It was AWESOME.

  8. I have several good memories of drinking with friends, just chilling at my house or theirs, and having really deep heart to hearts and realizing how much we love each other. Sounds corny lol but it's brought me closer to a lot of friends and given me an opportunity to tell them how much they mean to me without it seeming like I want to be their girlfriend or something.

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