
What good habits have you taken up?

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What good habits have you taken up?




  1. Doing the things that need to be done like cleaning house, doing laundry, doing the dishes, etc. Being on time for work and other appointments as much as possible. Honoring commitments or if cannot then letting people know.  

  2. i go to the gym

  3. Crack and heroin. The weight is just flying off me

  4. Drinking lots of water.

  5. I forced myself to get used to the taste of water instead of soda. It has helped me a lot with body weight and I feel better too.  

  6. Drinking more water :P

  7. smiling occasionally

  8. I am drinking more water.

  9. Being human again, enjoying my life, thinking positive, taking long country walks, going shopping again, stopped swearing, stopped being depressed, being polite or when i upset someone i apologise, being gratefull for everything, talking to my neighbours, talking and greeting strangers, keeping the place clean and tidy, washing up, cooking dinners, doing the washing by hand, trying to help the enviroment, being honest, obeying the  laws of the land etc.

  10. Smiling more at people I meet in shops, especially those who are working there and elderly patrons. It seems to make everyone's day, and funny many return the smile.  

  11. I decided to have a wash every month, whether I need one or not.

  12. New job, totally alien work environment to me i usually work in construction and now I'm working as a lab technician with females.  I've learnt to keep my mouth shut and just smile when somebody pisses me off.  

  13. To do at least one good deed a month.  I phoned up my broadband provider today and told them they had undercharged me the amount a years subscription cost.  They thanked me for being honest and said someone on their end made a mistake.  One step closer to the Pearly Gates.

  14. Not having sugar in my tea anymore :D

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