
What good habits you do? state all?

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What good habits you do? state all?




  1. I value time much. I am time-concious.

  2. I am a good person in main i love all my friends and all friends love me

    i love computer too much and i am a visual basic programmer

  3. I dont drink Coke..

    I dont smoke

    I always watch what I eat

    I stop for people to cross the street when I'm driving..

    If somebody I know is upset about something I like to give them all my support and help them feel better.. either talk and dicuss or throw  them a party to cheer them up or whatever makes them feel good..

    I try to always get rid of any negative feelings and keep a positive vibe.. it's contagious..

    When I'm in a good mood I smile to people I dont know.. hehe

  4. I walk on daily or bi-daily basis, it helps me to maintain my weight, renew my blood flow, release the sweat

    for the same reasons: I used to run few years ago. i m trying to run again. :O)

    i read periodicals and books, some related to field of profession and some out of the field, conservative and liberal, research based and rational argumentative articles. it widens my perception about things a lot and makes you able to built your own logic about things.

    in the same sense i go to Cairo International Book Fair every year.

    i do an XLS sheet (excel) to type my expenses in it. (I know some will call me nuts) but it really helps to understand my (daily, weekly, and monthly) rate of expenses and so how much savings i can really provide.

    this makes me buy things with no guilt or worry feelings that i m going out of budget

    I share others experiences in Yahoo Answers. and sometimes it helps me to re-define my stance toward some issues in a more logical way.

    I stopped -or decreased- eating from fast food restaurants -become so expensive recently, unhealthy, expired :O( !!!,

    I sometimes go to cinema alone when i really want to enjoy a certain movie without peers (friends) sarcastic talk :O)

    I like to set in the balcony at morning to smell fresh air and drink a cup of tea (i m a balcony fan) it helps me to restore some calmness inside me by the beginning of the day. (and sometimes by the end too)

    socializing with my nephews, unfortunately my brother doesn’t do real peer to peer conversations with them. so i try as it helps their character development. but no one can do it right more than their father and mother.


    habits i want to stop (or develop):

    to stop eating from fast-food restaurants

    going to work by bicycle instead of car

    start to run again

    do more socializing with family kids

  5. i remove toilet seat before i p**s..

  6. I read, read, read!!

    I tell my husband how much I luv him daily, and how handsome he is.

    I TRY to do as he sayz.

    I am very concerned about our health/hygiene and the care & prep of food we eat.

    I observe Islamic laws in living my life.

    I try not to spend on items that we do not need.

    Incorporate veggies in all meals.

    Maintain my femininity at all times.

  7. Good Morning !


    on daily basis:

    i exercise for an hour or more on the treadmill and bike ..i have at home

    i started to go to bed earlier than before..and wake up earlier

    i drink a cup of green tea

    i drink about 3 liters of water

    i take a spoonful of honey & another of molasses

    i wash my teeth twice or thrice daily ,shower daily .... mmm ... wash my hands before and after eating :D

    i started to consume much less time on computer & t.v .....and started to read more in different topics.

    as a Muslim,i read Qur'an daily..alhamdulellah

    on a weekly basis:

    i visit my grandmas & meet my cousins once or twice weekly

    i call some college friends to check on them

    i sometimes go swimming ..but not in that hot sun!

    applying natural skin masks ..esp. on the face



    <------------- see my pic. ...that's the result of all natural masks :D :D :p


    mmm ....i'll edit if i remembered more.

    oh,yeah...  i never ever throw rubbish in public or in any place other than the rubbish bin .....and if i was in the street and nowhere to throw the unwanted papers,cans..etc...., i just place them in my handbag till i find a bin......... i think this is a good thing to do ..... if all ppl do that ,we'll have a very clean & healthy country.

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