
What good jobs are there?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 years old and i want to know my different job options for when I'm older please can you give me some ideas.




  1. Doctor, nurse, receptionist, firefighter, police officer, retail management, life guard, forest ranger, politician, janitorial services, artist, musician, architect, marketing analyst, military, file clerk, radiologist, cashier, waiter, mortgage broker, banker, courier, chef, accountant, tax preparer, actor, court reporter, childcare worker, fashion designer, electrical engineer, photographer, teacher, urban planner, veterinarian, biologist, coroner, forensics, librarian, farmer, economist, computer specialist, mechanic, coach...

    ...just for some examples...

  2. Save up your allowance and purchase the book (or borrow from a library) "Do What You Are." This book has 4 condensed personality assessments based on Myers-Briggs personality test.

    You answer the 4 quiz boxes and it assigns you 4 letters to your personality. You then find the section in the book with these 4 letters and it describes the jobs you would do well at, those you wouldn't, they whys and why nots and with some it gives real stories about real people and why they do best in this field or that.

    It has proved 100% accurate for me.

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