
What good points can i put on my cv for a nursery assistant?

by  |  earlier

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I am 19 I live in England I have all the qualifications needed and some experience.

what do they want to heer?




  1. communication skills with parents and chn

    strategies for behaviour management

    examples from your experience

    what skills have you gained from your experience?

    what makes you better than other candidates? any extra qualifications? first aider?

    what extra curricular activities do you do and how can you link them with being a nursery assistant?

    what is it about their nursery that you were attracted to?

    talk about PLAY and the OUTDOORS a lot. maybe about creativity in the nursery too.

    and remember ALWAYS spell check

    good luck!

  2. I'd want to hear how you decided to work with children? What something special can you bring to my center?

    Bring your confidence, bring your smile, and be willing to demonstrate you have what it takes.  Have you worked with children as a social service? Have you cared for special needs children? What sets you apart from every other nursery assistant?

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