
What good things have come into your life because of the resurrection of Christ?

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What good things have come into your life because of the resurrection of Christ?




  1. well since a christ was never resurrected... nothing. :)

  2. It never happened so Atheism is the only good thing since then.

  3. A god conquering death, or the apotheosis of an ancient Greek Hero such as Heracles, is a common theme in mythology.

    Muslims believe that Jesus didn't die, that someone else did in his stead, and that he was assumed into heaven without dying. The story of Ezekiel has a similar theme.

    I enjoy reading and discussing religions, myths, folklore and related matters. So it's part of the enjoyment I get from that.

  4. You seem to take it for granted... OK... here is some hard stuff if you are really into it...

    According to the Bible, ONE SUREST SIGN of Jesus coming back and the Rapture™ is the slaughter of innocent children in the end of days! Some Christian preachers explain away this gross fact in the Bible… The Bible writers made it into a pattern that before any major event in Bible stories innocent children get slaughtered! This is a primitive trick to scare the heck out of religious people to catch their attention! When Israel was liberated from Egypt God had ALL the innocent first born children of Egyptian parents slaughtered on the spot! When Jesus was born ALL the innocent male children 2 years of age and under were slaughtered in a way that not even God the Holy Ghost could possibly comfort the grieving mothers! (Mat 2:18)  So it will be when Jesus comes back a lot of liberal Churches will loose ALL their CHILDREN… Jesus will have them slaughtered not in Iraq, but in the Churches!

    Revelation 2:23 (NIV) (Jesus says in his REVELATION for the last days) I WILL STRIKE HER CHILDREN DEAD* (*Just for the heck of it! Hey, No abortionist can beat Jesus at killing babies… AMEN???... Jesus is doing the killing of the innocent children to announce his return and at the same time teach everybody a lesson on WHO IS THE BOSS! In our society today Christians are very selective in what they preach from the Bible! Their PRO-LIFE bit is an afford to dissociate themselves from this kind of Jesus REVELATION…!) Then ALL THE CHURCHES WILL KNOW that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.* (*I’m the BOSS says Jesus Christ the LORD and I take it on the kids in the Churches to pay for the deeds of their parents! Not even the Mafia measures up to Jesus! Jesus’ infanticide mania comes from way back when God the Father highly favored anyone killing the innocent children of his enemies… because the Bible God has many enemies!)

    Psalm 137:8-9 (NIV) O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us- he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.

    Jesus knows that the enemies of God ought to be killed in their infancy when it is easier to get rid of them! In Bible times hardly anybody practiced abortions because it was easier and much safer to “dash the infants against the rocks” after they are born like God suggests in his Holy Word the Bible! Unwanted children were put out without any accountability right after they were born like it was done in Egypt to the willing Hebrew ladies. Christianity is not much of a civilized religion at all! Today, it is pure Christian PRO-LIFE bigotry of the worst kind that makes Christianity acceptable in our religious oriented society…!

    Luke 19:27 (NIV) (Jesus is very excited telling this story… most Christians prefer to ignore!) But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    Jesus Christ suggested the slaughter by drowning of anybody causing a Christian who is weak in the Faith to stumble… He also suggested the shedding of body parts, including male castration to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven!  Most Christians today don’t pay attention to Jesus’ gory suggestions, but throughout Christian history many people paid with their lives for disobeying the Clergy, including the witches and slaves that were killed here in America ONE NATION UNDER GOD!  

    BTW… another sure sign of the impending Biblical “end of times” that hardly any Christian talks about is the FULL RESTORATION OF SODOM…!!!

    Ezekiel 16:48-49,53,55 (NIV) As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD* (*The LORD God Jehovah won’t lie!), your sister Sodom and her daughters NEVER DID what you* (*Jerusalem! --The dishonest preachers and clergy in general won’t tell you that according to the Bible writers JERUSALEM IS MUCH WORSE THAN SODOM...!!!) and your daughters have done. ”Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom* (*PLEASE NOTICE! It is not homosexuality at all!!!): She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy...* (*Neither God Almighty in Fairy Heaven nor God the Son Jesus Christ EVER MENTIONED THAT THE SIN OF SODOM was homosexuality!) [53] "However, I* (*God) will restore the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them… [55] And your sisters, SODOM WITH HER DAUGHTERS and Samaria with her daughters, WILL RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE; and you and your daughters will return to what you were before.

    Some of the most important Bible writers de facto admit that the destruction of Sodom was a mistake because Jerusalem turned out to be much worse than Sodom. According to the Bible God, Sodom and Gomorrah will be FULLY RESTORED to what they were BEFORE THEIR DESTRUCTION… Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! And this must be taking place right now before the 2nd coming of Jesus!  It is already getting fulfilled with the same s*x marriages going on in our very days…!!! You must know that the Sodomites were holier than Righteous Lot. Lot’s virgin daughters were engaged to be married to Sodomites who believed in virgin “purity” until marriage…!!! It was Righteous Lot who delivered his own virgin daughters for the unrestricted pleasure of some Sodomite g**s who were looking for the “strange” male visitors who wanted to spend the night outside in the main street of Sodom not at Lot’s pad! The Sodomites REFUSED TO HAVE s*x WITH LOT’S YOUNG VIRGIN AND INNOCENT DAUGHTERS, but Holy Lot got real drunk and had s*x with them until he got them pregnant! Christian dishonesty telling the Sodom and Gomorrah story is so disgusting!  A lot of innocent, but Bible ignorant and clergy obedient Christian bigots are actually preventing the fulfillment of Bible prophecies!  Hey, let’s give the Bible God a chance!  It is all in the BIBLE! It won’t be long before Clergy will wise up to monitor the morality of same s*x marriages and of the ladies in desperate need of a decent abortion!

  5. Fundies. Oh, wait.....

  6. ???

    I wasn't born yet during those times...

  7. Resurrection of Christ is a comforting thought.

    After the hardest pains (affliction, anxiety, fear) there will be recovery.

    Resurrection means hope because we will all be raised in the end and the time after that will be without any curse. Whatever will happen, everything will end the best way. The thought gives endurance.

  8. Everything good in my life is a direct result of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There remains nothing good in my life beyond that.

    The results include life, light, understanding, separation from the world, spiritual gifts, comfort, words that are true and the understanding of those words, guidance, love, patience, overlooking the flesh, reasoning, hope, salvation (which is peace, prosperity, protection from enemies, victory over them).

  9. Relationship with God.

    Peace in heart.

    Purity in heart.

    God's promises to me.

  10. I get to come here and prove to all you delusional theists that anyone who "believes" that someone was resurrected is in fact delusional/insane.

  11. I use to suffer from depression. I needed Therapy, and medications. I can't say that it was something new because I gave my life to the Lord at the age of 17. I had backslidden and I felt that I needed Christ back into my life. Happiness returned. I don't let what others say about me hurt me any more. I have been off of medications for a few years now and also out of Therapy.

  12. Fireball?

  13. Nothing I can think of.


    * Forgiveness of sins.

    * PEACE that passeth understanding.

    * THE PROMISE of Eternal Life.

    ... how's that for starters. (!)


  15. My LORD died once for ALL peoples sins, iniquities, weakness, burdens, brokenhearted, and by HIS stripes we ARE healed from all these things that cause sickness and diseases, for death has been defeated.

    My heart goes out to those who refuse to except the faith to receive all these GOD given blessings, for HE sent HIS word into the world and made Him flesh, Oh how I love my Immanuel for GOD is still with us. Life is in the word.

    My risen LORD stands on the right hand of the living GOD and HE intervenes for us daily and ALL who believe, and call upon HIS name shall be saved and delivered out of all situations.

    HE has given me life and more abundantly, the evil in this world has no power over the name of the risen LORD.

  16. Fistional books & their characters don't interact with me too much I've found.  

  17. It reminds me to flush the toilet after use, who knows what could happen if i don't, it may came to life and judge me.

  18.     The Holy Spirit has come into my life because of the resurrection of Christ.  I asked Jesus to come into my life and be my personal Savior and to forgive me of my sin and He did.  He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in my life and in my heart.  He is a guide, a counselor, a comforter,  deliverer.  I would have none of this had not Christ been resurrected.  I can seek Him day by day to find out what is best for my life, so that I can walk in obedience and have God's blessings on my life.  If Christ had not been resurrected, I would still be in my sin and I would be a most miserable person.  Disobedience makes one miserable and since Christ resurrected and He is able to enter peoples' lives now through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, by people inviting Him in to be their Savior and them asking Him to save them, there is deliverance from sin.  " For the  wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.

    ( In Romans 6:23 )  God resurrected Christ to redeem you from  iniquity.  He made a fool of the devil, of whom  the devil strives to keep people captive. If you invite Jesus Christ into your life today, to be your personal Savior and then ask God to help you find a correct doctrine, non-false teaching church to go to and you go there , things will get better in your life as you listen to God and obey Him.  God resurrected Christ to give you new life. Even as Christ was raised from the dead, so also you can be raised from your deadness, ye who are without Christ.

    Romans 6:4-8

    4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

    5 For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection. 6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be SLAVES OF SIN.

    7 For he who has died has been freed from sin.

    8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we also shall live with Him.

  19. Christ didn't exist

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