
What got you through natural labor and delivery? Anything you didn't expect?

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I am wanting to have this baby which is due in 5 weeks naturally. I was wondering from you moms out there who have done it before, what was that one thing that got you through. Plus was there anything that caught you off guard? Anything you did not expect?




  1. I had my baby naturally but it wasn't by choice.  I had contractions all day but refused to believe they were happening.  I went in the day before and they told me I would more than likely deliver a little late.  I didn't want to go in again and be sent home.  But then they got worse and regular and I was stuck at home alone so I had to call 911 and was ready to push by the time they got here.  They took me to the hospital though and I delivered there in about a half hour.  It burned really bad when his head was working its way out but it only lasted for a few minutes or so and then he was out.  I would say the hardest part is pushing... you know the pain is going to come when you push so it really takes all you're might to push through the pain.  I just closed my eyes and went for it.  Other than that I can't think of anything else... Good luck!  I hope it's an easy one for you as well!

  2. I (unexpectedly) had my fourth child epidural, no medications.  She was a very fast delivery (under 2 hours from first contraction to birth!) and I actually didn't have a choice.  Now that I am pregnant with number 5, though, I am definitely going this route again.  

    I was able to get through the entire labor by walking through it.  While I was trying to get my other kids ready to go and my own things ready for the hospital, it allowed me to keep my mind on other things rather than the contractions.  I honestly think that's what did it for me.  This time around, I am planning on trying to do the same thing.  It felt better to me to walk through my contractions and labor rather than sit still and breathe.  

    What caught me off guard the most was how quick the recovery time was without an epidural.  It was so much faster and easier to get up and walk around afterward and take care of my daughter.  That, by itself, makes it all worth it!  Perhaps this time when I deliver, I will ask for a local anesthetic to help everything relax down there, but that's about it.  

    My biggest suggestions for you would be hot showers during your labor to help with the pain and relax and to try walking through you contractions while you time them.  I know that's not a lot of help, but it's what really helped me deal with the pain.  Laying on the bed, or staying still, was just too painful for me.

    Congratulations to you on your baby and good luck to you with your delivery.  It is true, when you hear moms say....once you are holding your baby in your arms, you literally do forgot every moment of pain leading up to that time.  The contractions don't feel good, but knowing they are working you towards something so wonderful makes them worthwhile.

  3. Well i had my baby natural but with an epidural. What caught me off guard is that everything was happening so fast that i got really scared and that's why i got the epidural i chickened out. I am pregnant now and want to have this one very natural with nothing but i am planning on being in the birthing tub. You cant have the baby inside but you can be there up until you have to push. that's what i wanted for my daughter but they had nothing prepared. My husband was thereat the time and that helped me out but i wished that he supported me a little more like telling me to breath and telling me your going to be fine. Poor guy he was as scared as me. Just expect everything to go fast and try to be calm and don't tense up because when you do labor goes much slower the more loosen up you are the faster everything is. Good luck and i wish you  the best. I'm due October 13 with a boy. :)

    *Mother of 2 year old and 32 weeks pregnant.

  4. One thing I didn't realize was how bad it would hurt when they actually "checked" me. I definitely learned my lesson and you can guarantee that I'll be checking the size of those nurses' hands this time around!!! There was one lady who "tried" to check me but I felt like she was literally ripping me into! She said, " honey.. I don't want to hurt you anymore so I think I need to get a nurse will smaller hands in here." Duh lady. Ya think? lol

  5. I had 4 naturally. If you have a good doctor, then there should be no surprises like I got. (My 4th child was problems due to the doctor having s*x with his doctor wife in the hospital. I tore 4 ways from not getting the episiotomy.)

    The biggest help I can offer is to tell you to really study, understand what is happening, Have someone with you that if you start getting upset (and you will), that you can yell at if need be, that will not hold it over your head for the next few years. And that person should be someone other than the father. (they really stay upset over it.)

    My first two I was given Demerol. It is not a good one to get since you sleep for 30 seconds, wake up in pain, not knowing what is happening, and immediately you are back to sleep, and it keeps repeating.

    My youngest was the hardest, since the doctor (who was later charged by the hospital) was extremely lax in the whole delivery.

    Have people you trust with you.

    Really read and understand the process of what is happening.

    It hurts. The more you understand of what is happening, the better prepared you will be for it.

    Crying is normal, as is screaming from a lot of females. Since I got put into the hospital prior to the birth of my first child, I  got extremely scared with a female screaming in another room to "cut this baby out - I don't care anymore." It scared me so bad. I swore I did not want to scare some other poor female in the same situation. Instead I studied lamaze and controlled breathing. I had four. And I am happy that with the exception of when I started tearing having the youngest, ( I cried then) but I never did scream and carry on. Instead I would carry a magazine, music, and really would focus on the contractions. Just remember to keep breathing... Holding your breath is not a good thing, since it makes your body automatically push, and you don't want to push until the doctor/nurses tell you your body is ready for that.

    Above all, concentrate on what is happening when it is happening.

    It helps a lot.

    Best of luck with your upcoming bundle of joy, and let me know how it goes. I will be praying for you.

  6. I planned to but was unable to. Being induced really caused a problem so I would suggest avoiding it as long as you and the baby aren't in real danger. Also in the middle of a bad contraction and back labor the nurse asked if I wanted the epi and naturally I said yes, who wouldn't in the moment? Make sure the nurses know about your wishes and don't offer anything. Rest all you can in early labor, mine was 30hrs and I was just exhausted. It's hard to rest with the excitement but do try. Hire a doula if you can. She was wonderful and I will hire her again next time. Take the contractions one at a time, after a minute it's over and you get a minute or two to rest.

    These are the things about my labor I will be changing next time to give myself a better chance at making it without the epi. I didn't like it and don't want it again.

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