
What governing experience does Palin have except for Wasilla city council and mayor and Gov. for two years?

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The population of Wasilla between 1990 and 2000 is between 4000 to 5000 residents.

There are many high schools that have that many students.

The State of Alaska has less than one million residents and has the approximate population of San Diego (but is a lot less fun).

Is this the experience that qualifies her to be VP that you're talking about?




  1. She sounds like she has about the same track record of the great Spiro T. Agnew.

  2. It is not experiance, it is accomplishments.  

    Can you name 1 accomplishment of Obama?

    Sarah Palin has stopped corruption in her own part.  How is corruption in Illinois and Chicago?

    Sarah Palin has joined with the other party when it was right.  Has U know who?

    Sarah Palin has been the Comander and Chief  of her states national guard.

    Margerate Thatcher had little experiance but had accomplishment.  

  3. Aside from does one serve as the president of a legislative body (Senate) with no legislative experience and no law degree?

    McCain forked up.

  4. Obama has zero.  Don't you get it?  And he is your Presidential Candidate.  How you guys think is just beyond me!!

  5. Kinda beats Sen Obama,  

  6. Noble Barack has experience reading Holy Quran and will lead to follow Allah's will.

  7. I knew people would point out Obama's lack of experience, but that's not what your question is asking.  Obama's supposed inexperience and unqualifying factors don't make Palin capable of stepping in as president in case something happened to McCain.

  8. What experance does Obama have except 2 years in the senate and runni8ng his little campain witch he claims gives him experance....

  9. That's it.

    Not a lot but still more than Obama.

  10. Does not matter. Just let her talk - the more the better for democrats..

  11. None.

  12. Well, that's more than Obama and his co-president Michelle combined, so it looks pretty good to sensible people.

  13. I am laughing at you and your question especially coming from a Community Organizer supporter.

  14. That's more than Obama and he's running for President!

  15. Still more experienced than Obama, if that's what you're attempting to point out.  I guess the other three states that are smaller than Alaska in population don't have have the rights to be represented nor should their governors be considered as being leaders or having leadership skills?  

    You're being rather biased and obviously extremely one-sided, I believe.

  16. Well, she has abused power for personal benefit and retaliation both as a mayor and governor

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