
What government owned conveyance can get you from Virginia to Nevada in the same day without runnung out of st

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What government owned conveyance can get you from Virginia to Nevada in the same day without runnung out of st




  1. OK... You lost me, and your own train of thought at "runnung"

    There IS NO government owned form of PUBLIC transportation in the USA that can get you from Virginia to Nevada in one day.  Amtrak takes approximately 60 hours to go from Washington DC to Elko, NV.

    Now, if you were a Government official, like a senator or congressman, you may be able to hitch a ride on a military aircraft, but that form of transport is not available to most private citizens.

  2. I 70

  3. Didn't you ask this question last week?  AMTRK or military aircraft were the only two answers then as now, as near as I can tell.

  4. A have to charter it from New Mexico, though.

  5. The trains or trucks that carry the Nuclear waste to be dumped.

  6. Maxine- I'll give you point if you tell me why you ask thiis strange qustion/ promise.

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