
What grade is the tear in my medial meniscus? And will I need surgery?

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I tore it playing netball (apparently) on a Tuesday night but there was no pain til Thursday morning. Um what else...I can walk in a straight line but that's about it, no significant swelling, ice doesn't make it better but I'm taking ibuprofen and that's making it heaps better, any kind of rotation or lateral force on the knee hurts, going up and down stairs or hill hurts, as does walking on grass (cos you have to flex/ext more). Oh also, it used to give way (painlessly) when I was walking say, twice a week just randomly, but since I hurt it it's been more like 5 or 6 times a day. I don't think it's anything degenerative though, me being 18 and all.

So...any ideas?




  1. Ask about a thing called a PTB castIts for knee injuries

  2. last year at age 18 i dislocated my knee and tore my meniscus.

    if you are buckeling your knee while walking i would be a little worried..if ice isnt making it better i would be worried its more than what you think.

    every time you walk on it is just going to make it me..everytime you bend your knee keeps retearing it.well atleast thats what happend with my knee.

    i would really go to an orthopedic surgeon or someone in that practice to check it out because it doesnt seem like its getting better, only worse..go get it checked out by the doctor. i would be worried and you need to give it time to heal because if you are walking on it and bending your leg how is it suppose to heal? i had a massave full leg i wouldnt walk on it, or atleast bend it for now.and go to the doctor

    my doctor said that if i happend to dislocate it again i would need surgery..if it happens again or tears again then it may need surgery but if its the first instance and can heal on itself, most likely not..

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