
What grade should?

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My daughter is 4 years old just turned this april, What grade in the U.S would she be starting, and how do i go about this?




  1. It depends on the school district, but in most she would not start kindergarten until fall 2009. (Most districts require the child to be 5 when she starts kindergarten.) Most school districts have websites. Look up yours and see what it says.  If there is no website, call the main office and ask.

  2. She would not be in school yet. Most schools require their Kindergarten students to be 5 by Sept. 1.

  3. well she can start pre-school this year my brother started pre-k when he was 3.

  4. She should be in Pre-K go to your states local school board and find out about schools in your area

  5. Kids don't start school till they are 5, so next year she should be in kindergarten.  Many places have a preschool, that teaches basic things like color, shapes,letter,numbers, and to write there name.  You could ask at your local school for a registered preschool in the area.  Some schools also offer preschool classes.  Hope this helps.

  6. Ok listen, She is 4 years old right. So she should start kindergarden. You know that 3 years olds go to preschool, and 4 year olds go to kindergarden.  Next year when your kid turns 5, she will go to grammer school.

  7. she would be in pre-school. you start kindergarten at 5 or 6(depending on when th birthday is.)

  8. preschool, just sign her up!

  9. She should be in preschool. Although not required I highly suggest it. I recommend finding out which elementary school she will go to next fall and call and ask for suggestions on a good preschool. They know which schools their kindergartners are coming from and which ones are preparing the kids better.

  10. She would start Kindergarten in September 2009. Before then if you want to send her to a private preschool you can, but it's expensive. Some cities also offer pre-kindergarten for 4 year olds through the public school system but not all. Call your local elementary school to find out.
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