
What grade should you get a cell phone?

by Guest62700  |  earlier

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i was wondering what grade u should get a cell phone in??? please help!!




  1. IT all depends on how responsible a person is. Ages will vary on when to get a phone. I would say as long as a child does not abuse the privillage, then maybe age 10 would be good. We have to keep in mind, its not a toy folks.

  2. i dont think they should get a cell phone till atleast 8th grade or even 9th.... its sooo aggervating to see elementary kids have cell sis lets my 7 year old nephew have one ehhh :|

  3. I think about 6th grade

  4. it really depends how often u start needing one

  5. I got mine when I was about twelve years old [When I began junior high]. Mainly because I began going to more social events at school [Dances and what not]. But it's different for every person.

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