
What grade you think i should be in before i get my high school jacket?

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What grade you think i should be in before i get my high school jacket?




  1. I thought that was an academic or athletic honor schools gave out, not something any numb nut as yourself could get.  Schools are taking all the honor of having to earn something away so that deet-te-dee's like yourself can have something too, that's ridiculous!

    Why don't you get your meaningless jacket now, since it has no self worth to it.

  2. Sophmore year. You are used to being in high school by then.

  3. If you are talking about a letter jacket, I think you should wait until you have your letter before you get your jacket. I mean if you don't have a letter, then what's the point of getting a jacket?

  4. Based on your inability to use the SHIFT key to capitalize a sentence, I'd wait until about April of your senior year, just to be sure. You wouldn't want to grow out of it before graduation, right?

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