
What grades do i need in gcse's in london to study computer science.

by  |  earlier

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i am going to yr10. in london the subjects i will be doing are p.e, history ,geo,maths,english and double or triple science. what grades do i need in my gcse to do computer science. and with the subjects i have now can i do it.? thanks...

p.s . link me to a site that will gave me more info....




  1. I did an ordinary national diploma in Computer Studies at the local college, and this got me onto the Degree course in Computer Studies.

    I looked up the national diploma and found this.

    It mentions the entry qualifications for the course which were as follows.

    "Students should normally be aged 16 years or over.

    They must possess four GCSE's or their equivalent qualification, or a BTEC first Diploma, plus a reasonable knowledge of the English language. Mature students (over 21 years of age) may be exempt from this requirement on grounds of experience."


    Concentrate on passing Maths, English and as many others as possible. If you are very interested in computers and are willing to stick at it then you can do the computer science in college, and work your way up from there.

    Without knowing you, or what area of computing/business you are looking to go into, we have no chance of telling if you can achieve what you want. Also, someone earning £20000 now could be earning £30000 by the time you start work, so again very difficult to tell.

    Note: I have done a GCSE in Computer Studies, BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies (2 years), BSc. Honours in Computer Studies (4 years) and am a MCSD (3/4 years). I am at last pretty comfortable with programming but perhaps this gives you an idea how insignificant your GCSEs are. All they are is a way of getting onto the next set of qualifications. Obviously if you are looking to do a business A level or degree, then it may help a little to do a business GCSE for example.

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