
What graphing calculator should I get?

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My brother is going off to colledge and they recommend to have a TI-89. We have a TI-84 plus. I'm looking around shopping for a TI-89. I've came across a TI-89 platinum or a TI-89 advanced. The platinum is newer, but cheaper. Is the platinum not as good? What would be the best choice? Thanks.




  1. Honestly, the TI-83+ should work, unless you are going to be taking a lot of advanced math classes. These run around $100, but most office supply stores have rebates that lower the price by about $25. Good luck!

  2. Depending on your major is what makes the difference on calculators.  A TI-84 is plenty for almost everyone.  The only people who need TI-89's are those in engineering programs.  If you are going that route then you will probably need to go with an 89.  Otherwise, you will get more but it won't be usable to most people without practice.

    Now for the two calculators there is not a large difference.  The platinum would work great, especially if it is cheaper.  There are few differences between the two and in all actuality the platinum is probably easier to operate.  Whenever a new calculator with the same number aka 89 comes out the newest model is generally more user friendly.  I have a student with a platinum 89 and it is very similar to an iphone in my opinion with the general workings, just cheaper and lower quality software.

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