
What group activities could i do with kids aged 9months to 18months?

by  |  earlier

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I run a moms 'n tots group and it has been a smaller crowd-1-3 moms and their children. It is hard to do any large group activities like circle times or plan events because I never know if anyone will show!. What could I do with babies so young? I like crafts, and things like that but they are too young. I am looking for ideas...any suggestions?




  1. no group is to small to sit in circle and sing songs ect...

    twinkle little star is a good one using had movements to illustrate the star ect..

    Itsy Bitsy spider is another good one using hands to illistrate the spider and rain ect..

    Patty Cake is a big hit with small babies

    Any song that you can use your hands is great for babies it keeps them interested in the activity and teaches them eye hand cordination.

    My favorite is the song "put your finger in the air" it goes

    put your finger in the air in the air

    put your finger in the air in the air

    Put your finger in your hair in your hair

    Put your finger in your hair in your hair

    Put your finger on your nose on your nose

    put your finger on your nose then put it on your toes

    Put your finger on your toes on your toes

    put your finger on your leg on your leg

    put your finger on your leg on your leg

    put your finger on your arm on your arm

    Put your finger on your arm then put in your lap

    then give yourself a really big CLAP!!!!!

    This is a fun song that is on one of my daughters (15 months old) movies called Babies Day!!! It has really taught her alot.  you can change the song around to teach diff body parts to.  My daughter can already point out her eyes, ears, nose, arms, legs, belly button, toes ect......  Good Luck and have fun with it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. babies aren't too young to do simple crafts (:

    if theres only a few children sometimes its easier & they'll get more out of an activity.. in my nursery the babies enjoy finger painting (sometimes with glitter and foam shapes), & messy play.. like strippin them down to their nappies & putting them in an empty paddling pool filled with gloop/toothpaste/spaghetti/jelly.. anything messy really!! it's always important to check for allergies though, as you probably already know :)

    young children also like playing with playdough/chalks ect!

    hope this helps x

  3. things with cheerios and fruit loops are great. those crafts at least if they eat them it wont hurt them.

  4. You could do music and movement. You could also do fingerplays and stories. I hope that I helped you a little.

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