
What groups are the subject of segregation and discrimination today?

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How popular is their struggle for civil rights? Do you think that the struggles for civil rights for various groups in the past were any more popular?




  1. depends where you are in south africa the white people's farms are being taken and ruined

    Even in america there is alot of persecution towards the muslims due to the two towers....

    so depends where you are really dont it ?

  2. its still black and whites in every country whites want to take over but blacks wants there rights but don't fight back

  3. The Burmese,

    Non-muslim Sudanese in Darfur,

    Anyone who opposes Mugabe in Zimbabwe

    Anyone who wants autonomy in Tibet

    I would imagine these are the four most legitimate claims of segregation and discrimination in the world today.

  4. Today elderly people and Southerners (white) are discriminated against and nothing is done to correct this...

  5. In addition to what others here have already posted, I think in America today, it's white males.

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