
What gun is better for beginners the spyder vs2 or the smart parts sp1?????

by  |  earlier

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from what i have been told, spyder is an excellent brand for guns. i have a crummy JT tac 5 and i want something better with more fire power. i was persuaded into either the spyder from the vs series or the smart parts sp1. i have come to u for guidance




  1. it depends. are you looking to play woodsball or airball(speedball?) My friend was in a similar situation. I would choose the Smart Parts  sp1 because it can be used for woodsball but is also good for airball. The spyder is probably easier in maitenince(sp? lol). this  is a plus for a beginner. The sp1 is also a learning experience in gun maitenince. GL with your choice.

  2. vs2 is good

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