
What guy name do you like better?

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Dakota Springs Adair or

Gabriel Ronald Cobb(Please Leave a comment on your desicion)




  1. Dakota Springs Adair.  I have always loved the name Dakota.  And Gabriel is okay, but I hate the name Ronald.

  2. Dakota Springs Adair, its very unique and flows nicely together

  3. Dakota Springs Adair, it has a nice ring to it.

  4. Gabriel Ronald Cobb

    Well, I don't know, it just sounds more classy.

  5. Gabriel Ronald Cobb,I love the name Gabriel and you know i have never heard the last name

  6. Gabriel Ronald Cobb

  7. Gabriel Ronald Cobb- i like the name Gabriel

  8. I would prefer Dakota S Adair. Are you having a contest with your buddy to see whose name is better????  If so, you know this isn't a scientific poll, don't you?

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