
What guy would u pick ?

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What would u pick ladies a $20,000 guy but great in bed, confident in himself, and great talker is a middle school teacher, also little bit of a jerk or a man that has great money that will buy u anything but suck in the sack and is a old fashion gentleman, sucessful, bit off a ego ?




  1. Both suck.  If the first one wasn't a "bit of a jerk", then definitely him, I'm not into money or arrogance.

  2. Both have traits that I dislike.

    If those were the only choices, I'd stay single.

  3. i would choose the one thats ot great in bed it doesnt matter. He shouldnt be a jerk.

  4. I already picked the first guy.

    I've dated some rich guys who were old-fashioned and c**p in bed, and didn't I like it.  I don't need men to buy me stuff; I make my own money.

  5. neither....

    The middle school teacher was winning that...but why is he a bit of a jerk???

    jerk or ego problem....humm......NEXT!

    luckly there are more then just two men in this world...dont have to put up with it.  

  6. none of those choices...look further afield

  7. Well, when I was young I'd have taken the poor man without hesitation, but nowadays I'd take the rich man, I'm much more mercenary than I was when I was young.  When I was young I never gave money a thought.

    However, $20,000 is a ridiculous salary for a teacher, or for anyone else,s urely even in America teachers get paid more than that?

  8. I prefer the former over the latter one. But, regardless... neither of them interests me at all.

    There's still time and place to search for better fishes in the sea.


  9. 1st one? or probably neither, cuz i really can't stand old fashion ppl...

  10. They will take the rich guy and try to fix him

  11. I'd take the old-fashioned gentleman because I'm an old-fashioned lady.

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