
What habits do you find annoying in other people?

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What habits do you find annoying in other people?




  1. Chewing with the mouth open. How does one keep the food from falling out?!

  2. when your friend from third grade cuts you off and thinks shesz cute and funny and makes obnoxious faces and flirts with every single guy who HAS A GIRLFRIEND! i know her and her name is *acceb

  3. When they claim to be reliable... Like they consistently say that they will do something but then never do.

  4. To go out of someone's way to be nasty to someone just for fun.

  5. the loud mouth-open crunching of chex mix

    biting their fingernails and spitting them on the floor

    not picking up after themselves in the kitchen

    dirty bathtubs

    girls who burp really loud and think its so cute (its not)

    when people lie

    or change their actions around certain people

    people who "try" to be punk--you shouldn't have to try

    pen clickers

  6. talking on a cellphone in public

  7. Nasally voice, loud talkers, people who say like to often, nail bitters, gum poppers, people who sing when they don't have the voice to do it.

  8. When people think they are funny but are not

    Also when ppl cough or sneeze or wateva and dont put there hand over there mouth and when ppl eat with there mouth open ewww lol

  9. constant sniffing...get a tissue please!!

  10. asking if I find something annoying in other people.

  11. People clipping their nails in public--I do mine in the privacy of my bathroom.  Picking their nose.  Loud, obnoxious people talking too loud for their surroundings.

  12. Blowing thier noses at the table while other people are still eating!!!!!!1

  13. Habits are habits & hard to break. That's why they're called habits. Nobody's perfect. We all do annoying things, but some get me every time--

    1) Habitual interruption: When someone repeatedly interrupts, making it impossible to complete a thought. Or- they wrongly assume you were going to say something & reprimand you for it, without listening. Worse- They attack you for what they-thought-you-thought & you weren't even thinking it at all. Arrgghh!

    2) Picking of teeth (or nose) at the dinner table or anywhere in public: As for teeth, sometimes it's done with an actual toothpick, fingers or pinky fingernail. Saw one person use the corner of an open match pack. Nose? I know someone else who sticks both thumbs through a napkin and uses that technique to "drill" out both nostrils.

    3) Left turn "race is on" bad driving habit: On a 2way street at a yellow light, someone quickly makes a left turn in front of someone else who has the right of way (is going straight, on the opposite side).IMO, it's not more important to make that light & get where one is going 5 minutes sooner, than it is for the other person on that bike or in that car (or one's own passenger) to l-i-v-e.

    4) Sneezing/coughing on other people without covering up one's nose/mouth: Nobody sneezes on purpose. But.. when someone knows they're sick, if they feel one coming on, they should lower their head, cover their face with a hand & sneeze/cough on themselves.

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