
What habits have you learnt from your horses?

by  |  earlier

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One of mine is whenever i get scared i tend to run blindly, i also shy and sometimes i snort at things i dont know. i tend to have a fit of running as fast as i can and twisting and jumping like a foal would for no reason. im basicly the same as my horse! so what habits/behaviours have you learnt from your horses?




  1. Oh man where do I start!

    Okay, I find it very hard to ride in a saddle now because I have always ridden bareback on my pony.

    I look down!

    I throw my reins away to 'go' (but he does respond to that so, eh!)

    But I guess I'm used to him and he's used to how I ride - whether it's right or wrong! haha!

  2. Well I have to say....that's a little odd.  I haven't learned any habits from my horse!

    I will say this though, when I was a kid I did snort and "pin" my ears also when I would pretend to be a horse.  Me and my friends used to be a "herd" on recess..hehe.

  3. When ever my horse does that little sneezy fffffff thing i do it too. I spook. And when I used to people jump when I was little I would refuse wide oxers. And I leg yield sometimes instead of turning and I canter instead of run.

  4. i agree YAWN!

  5. When my hands are full or really nasty, I use the side of the stall door to scratch my back if I have a bad itch. My horse looks at me funny when I do :P

  6. I don't run, I canter. I forget that I can move my ears and think that I can pin them at people I don't like. I use the canter cue, making a kissing sound, to try to make people go faster. I also try to use my horse's cues on my dog and get strange looks from my family when they see me.

  7. I constantly cluck at things, i cluck at people to go faster, I cluck at things when they don't go fast enough, like my locker, if it won't open, I cluck at it.

    I "shy." Away from people when they scare me.

    I constantly am eating carrots, I eat apples.

    I scratch my back on the stall like they do when they itch, but they itch their necks ors omething.

    I have a tendency to walk ahead of people when I'm excited, like my horse does when i'm turning him out.

    there are so many more.

  8. Wow now that i think about it...

    I toss my head up randomly when I'm fighting with someone

    When I'm standing still I have one of my feet up with just the toe of my shoe on the ground.

    and I make that "pfttt" sound when I've just finished exercising!


  9. I did something like that yesterday.

    Talking to a friend about taking up a new job, the hours would be vastly different to what I do now, so my sleeping and eating routine would have to change. I said I would have to 'condition' myself to a new routine, she looked at me like I was crazy, not knowing what the h**l I was going on about.

  10. Sighing loudly.

  11. When I was younger, *long time ago*, when my horse would shake out with me on their back I would shake out too.

    Also, I get grumpy around feeding time too.

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