
What had a bigger impact on America, RFK's assasination or 9/11?

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What had a bigger impact on America, RFK's assasination or 9/11?




  1. A third one thing.

    The price hike of Spam , a canned common food source of the working people.

  2. September 11th - first time the mainland of America was attacked that way. September 11th was basically a declaration of war, an attack on unarmed civilians.

  3. 9-11 by far.

    America is becoming a police state, and it started with 9-11, followed by the Patriot Act and other laws.

    Add to that the endless war bankrupting the nation.

  4. 9/11.  Because of it, our Bill of Rights are slipping through our fingers like jello. Homeland Security has new terror suspects.  They sure are busy now with all us blond hair blue eyed, cell phone carrying, jeans wearing American citizens.  

    I kid you not.  Read this article.  I heard it myself on Fox News.

  5. RFK assassination.It was the end of innocence until that had happened we all looked at the world with rose colored glasses.An entire nation mourned collectivity for he was a well loved President.As did other countries as well.911 was a product mostly of our own doing(government) and its policies that that world saw and hated.I don't think any country will be safe again ever.They have found a way to make us take notice so for that I would say they were about equal.

  6. more likely 9/11

    because it caused far more deaths then ever

  7. 9-11

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