
What had happened...?

by  |  earlier

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A few months ago, whilst I was in class, I had a weird (about) five minute, spontaneous moment. During those five minutes, for some reason, my vision was very blurry, I was sweating horribly (and for no reason), I had loss of hearing, I felt nauseous, and I couldn't maintain myself. While it was happening, I thought that I was going to start having seizures and begin to foam out of my mouth. But fortunately, I felt better and normal again after those few minutes. It probably looked as if I was drunk.

But any who, I think I need to understand why this happened. Are there different possibilities of why this occurred? Thanks.




  1. i wouldnt know and i doubt others on yahoo can give you an answer unless they went o medical school. i think you should go to the docter and get some test done. seriously

  2. I'm no expert by no means but if you were in a lot of stress, you could have had an anxiety/panic attack. I've had an anxiety attack once and I felt as if I was going to die. But I'd ask your doctor just to be on the safe side. good luck

  3. i dont know, i would like to know the answer to this, because i do this many times a week. at least once a day
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