
What hair color can you picture for a michevious boy character?

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What hair color can you picture for a michevious boy character?




  1. Oh, it's GOTTA be red hair and huge giraff freckles.

  2. RED!! my lil bro has red  hair and he looks like a monkey about to do something stupid or mischevious!lol

  3. Red or bright orange would be a good color. Maybe even a dark shade of black would do.

  4. red

  5. A sandy blond, an earthy brown, or a midnight black. Or maybe, if he's like the little angel looking kid, but is really a little mischievous one, I would go with a heavenly blond!

  6. Red is probably the most popular, though possibly also slightly stereotypical, color for mischievous people due to its association with sprites and fairy-folk.

  7. Red hair would be perfect

    red can be an obnoxious color depending on the shade and it would fit a mischievous boy perfectly

  8. If anime style, deep red or jet black.

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