
What hair color goes well with pale skin?

by Guest21307  |  earlier

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What hair color goes well with pale skin?




  1. I'm extremely pale, and I love the way auburn hair looks with my hair skin. It doesn't wash me out, and if you're not too scared to try it, I think you should go for it.

  2. Anything! Most people say you need super light hair for light skin, but look at all of these people! Gorgeous!

  3. lighter colors like blonde. red looks good 2

  4. rich colors.  Never mousy hair.

  5. Blond, red, or light brown. Darker hair doesn't look as good because body hair (on legs, arms, w/e) stands out.

  6. blonde.

  7. Blonde is more common to have occur naturally, but I think rich dark tones are beautiful. Think Liv Tyler; the contrast makes your skin just glow, whereas pale skin can make you look all washed out. Just make sure you use a bit of blush for color, so you don't look too pale.  

  8. I think red or strawberry blonde hair looks natural pretty with fair skin but with black hair the person is hot, especially if they have pretty eyes.

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