
What hair color is the most abundant among native Germans? Blonde hair or dark hair?

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Do the majority of Germans have dark hair or blonde hair? If you've spent time in Germany, what hair color do you see the most of there among native Germans?

Germans are often stereotyped as having blonde hair but does this stereotype actually hold a lot of truth or not?




  1. Hi,

    it depends where you are, in the north of Germany almost everbody has blond hair. But in the rest of Germany there are also a lot of people with dark hair.

    Greetings from Germany

  2. If you are in North Friesland, that is in the north at the north sea blonde is dominating, but the population is small. In the south there are more blacks but dominating is the colour which you can't define as blond or dark. And we also have some red hads. Extreme growing is the race of the greys and whites, there for there are new races in the young generation (green, blue, pink or anyother colour of the rainbow).

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  3. Mostly dark hair and many are dirty blond.

  4. The majority of Germans have blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as tall (the majority of the time.)

  5. I'm German, and I'm dark-haired, curled, slowly graying (as older men do), brown-eyed, well, someway like my avatar. Germany, as so many people in central Europe, has been overrun so often by foreign tribes (who wouldn't remember the Roman Empire?), that no one can ever tell where his genes are from: Was it a Roman soldier, or a slave from Greece? -- But who the heck cares? My ancestors are Romano-Slavian and South European; and then the trace gets lost somewhere in 1400 A.D.

    And guess what? It was fun finding that out. But it didn't change me a bit. It just cost me money.

  6. Well was once the northern Germans were blond and the southern Germans dark......

    Now when I look around I see a lot (!!!!!) of women with dyed redish hair...WHY???

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