My natural hair color is a dull (quite dark) mousy brown, my eyebrows are the same color but one-two shades lighter. My eyes are dark blue around the rim and blue-green towards the pupil, however, I am unsure whether my complexion is cool or warm and so do not know which hair color to choose.
Some advice tells you to look at the veins in your arms (if they are green you are warm skinned, and blue cool skinned) however, I have two prominent veins in both wrists and one is blue the other green! So I don't know what my complexion is!
I have very pale skin that sometimes looks sallow (yellow) and other times looks pink. I have a few very pale freckles across my nose and approximately ten slightly larger dark brown freckles dotted across my face.
When I tan (which is not often) I do not turn golden, but rather a greyish brown color and my freckles become more obvious.
What hair color should I choose to match my skin and eyes?