
What hair colours will suit this complexion/skin tone?

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My friend is mixed race and has a skin tone very similar to Halle Berry's (a pic of Halle but her hair is black and she has black eyebrows and dark eyes... her features are generally darker.

She wants to know what hair colours will suit her complexion. Not all over dye, perhaps chunks of colour - colour in the fringe/bangs etc.

thanks very much!




  1. try shades of brown on the outside, but keep the black on the inside, so when she ties her hair in a ponytail both colors show, and it would be really pretty! straight bangs are really cute!

  2. The link is broken hun.

  3. The link is broke, but similar to halle berry's with black hair, I would say lighter brown chunks or streaks throughout the hair, then light brown underneath the frige (side fringe) with black over it. I did this for a friend of mine and she looked great!

  4. dunno the link wont work

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