
What hair style would look good?

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and no i don't want to here the get the zack efron or whatever and i don't want the hair cut every 15 yr old has, i have a long shaggy hair cut, what do you recommend




  1. get a scene cut i got mine cut like that is i dont like 2 b like everyone else u should b ur own person and get somthin unique

  2. Wear I nice hat.Like a vans hat or skin hat.

    I think its SO EFFIN HAWTT on guys with long shaggy hair.

    trust me,it makes a difference.

  3. uh, just grow it and for your information, the zac efron haircut is HOT  

  4. You should keep it choppy or shaggy.Whatever you want to call it.But like maybe short like ear legnth or a little below.Look at some male models.Lol.

  5. set a new trend and get it layered. lol idk do what u want.  

  6. if you are not going somewhere or doing something important that you want to look good at anytime soon you could.... shave/cut a lot or all your hair and as it starts to grow back you could look and see when you like it the most like short or long.

  7. buzz cut is a no no

    i would suggest a slight trim rather

    or a crew cut

    both are really nice :)

    just saying my opinion

    - im in high school!

  8. what Dave J said

  9. umm get it longer in the front, and a little shorter or short in the back

  10. well with out a picture its hard to say.

    but if you have hair that goes down past your mid ear, you should keep it short around the sides and a little longer on top. like i said its hard to help with out a picture.

  11. post a picture please.

  12. You can just trim it if you like it long.Or you can cut it like John Mayer:

  13. get highlights or a mullet

  14. Black hair with sliver tips on the top of your hair

  15. you should do your hair like ryan sheckler..he has shaggy hair but not too shaggy where you can't see his face.. hope this helps

  16. The guys that I have always likes it never mattered about there hair as long as they were confident about it. the lame guys were always self conscious about there hair. get something that you feel comfortable with and own it

  17. we need to see a picture bro otherwise its useless


  19. Grow it out long and shaggy...


    yes I did type in scene guys to get those pictures

    but you dont have to be scene to have the hair...

    and everyone nos that scene ppl have the best hair ever

    I advise getting it cut like this or a bit shorter!

    plz do it ul look so hott

    haha it would be awsome if you could like send me a pic after the hair cut if you decide to do it like this

    because dik if normal guys can be hott enough to pull this off so all the guys i've urged to get their hair cut like this, idk if it will work id like to see if it will

    good luck

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